Minion Madness

While brainstorming what to make my kids for their end of the year gifts, I came across pictures of the Perler bead minions I made for them last year. This was a time-consuming process to say the least. As per usual I decided to personalize each minion to include each kid's favorite color for the minion's shirt as well as the first initial of each kid's name :o It was worth it in the end and the kids loved their minions :)

Here are all the various minions, prior to ironing them.
I separated a giant variety pack of Perler beads into containers for each color. I also had to go on an emergency trip to my local Beverly's to get more yellow and black beads.

Minion class photo!

Naturally, I made another set of minions for my boyfriend and I. It's the definition of cheesy, but that's how I like it.

This would be a great project to make in honor of the upcoming Minion movie!

♥ Justine


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Hello! I made this blog to keep track of my projects and adventures. Happy exploring. ♥ Justine