Angry Birds Part Two

I finally had time to put together the rest of my Angry Birds blog post! Refresh your memory here Angry Birds Part One To finish the Angry Birds themed beanbag toss game, I had to make some cardboard Angry Birds pigs and a backdrop!

  • cardboard (large piece for backdrop and smaller pieces for pigs)
  • knife or scissors
  • acrylic paint: blue, white, black, brown, green
  • black Sharpie All you need to make both of these projects are cardboard, a knife, and acrylic paint.

    Here are the piggies that I painted. I had to personalize a Giants one in honor of them winning the World Series as well as a pumpkin because it was October at the time.

    Close-up of the Giants piggie!

    To make the backdrop, I used a large piece of cardboard and cut out 5 holes for the kids to aim their beanbags at. I alternated between using a sharp knife and scissors, as box cutters did not do it for me. I then painted the wooden blocks, sky, and grass with acrylic paint. I used a black Sharpie after the paint was dry to outline the wood and add details to the grass.

    A family photo of all the piggies and the Angry Bird beanbags!

    The finished game with piggies securely masking taped on.

    ♥ Justine


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    Hello! I made this blog to keep track of my projects and adventures. Happy exploring. ♥ Justine