DIY-nosaur Costume

This year I have 3 opportunities to dress up for Halloween, meaning I DIY-ed 3 totally different costumes! Starting off with costume #1: Dinosaur. I wore this costume 3 years ago but didn't have time to make a tail so I thought I'd update my costume for this Halloween. Where does one wear a purple/green dinosaur costume? To a work-sponsored Halloween carnival for kids of course! As well as a few different locations in San Francisco.

I made a dinosaur hat with teeth out of felt and wore a knit green tank top, purple jeans, and purple shoes to form the dinosaur body. To make the dinosaur tail, I sewed together a cone shape out of an old green t-shirt and sewed a ribbon to it so I could tie it around my waist. I made dinosaur spikes by cutting triangles out of purple felt, sewing them together, and filing them with stuffing. I then sewed them to the hat, tank top, and tail.

Shoutout to Barney and Reptar for the color inspiration and my boyfriend for helping me take pictures :) Stay tuned for Halloween costumes 2 and 3!

♥ Justine


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